Thursday, April 11, 2013

On the cover of a magazine ...

So I got a great tip off the other day that a couple of Cambridge Street terraces had made the front cover of a magazine.  I was just about to rush to the newsagents when I looked at the date - January 1978!  This was going to require a trip to the library.  Luckily the State Reference Library has a copy of every Australian Reader's Digest magazine published.  And they have every issue since 1960 at the library (older ones are offsite) so it was only a short wait to collect this.  Now the problem is that Reader's Digest were doing wrap around covers back in the day and the State Library in its wisdom has bound up all the old copies so it is hard to get a single photo which is why I have the side by side shots above.

This artwork by Jeannie Baker is called "Paddington Terraces".  Jeannie is an artist and children's book illustrator (her website here) who is famous for her collage style works.  What I like about the image is the window boxes at 52 (which was apparently the kitchen back in 1978 but is now an ensuite bathroom).  Great stuff and I love getting random tips with old information so keep sending them in.

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