Friday, April 26, 2013

Cascade Street quarry.

The SMH of 9 March 1901 reported on the various goings on of Paddington Council.  Mr D. Moon of Cambridge Street Paddington (n.b, the Sands tells us that David Moon lived at 'Westbury', 47 Cambridge Street) wrote to Paddington Council "complaining of the great danger to life and limb and the continuous damage to property by reason of blasting in the quarry in Cascade street; also stating that if blasting were necessary powder should be used. The operations going on caused the ceilings to fall and damages to windows, etc. Unless further damage was at once prevented he would apply to the Supreme Court for an injunction".  And here I am complaining about fireworks on the harbour!

I am not sure when they stopped the blasting but the quarry is now the site of a number of apartment buildings.  

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