Friday, January 4, 2013

The Terrace Times cookbook, Paddington edition

I have a collection of Paddington books (although some are more accurately described as pamphlets) and none is as random as the Terrace Times Cook Book.  Published in 1975 it contains a number of recipes of that age that we are yet to experiment with.  The local history section at Paddington Library, which has an interesting collection of material available for reference, has a copy.  Or you can often find copies on ebay for not very much, I think my copy cost $3.

As well as the recipes the book does have some interesting pencil sketches of local terraces illustrated by Pauline Clements.  Copied above is a sketch of 52 Cambridge Street.  I nearly skipped straight past until I recognised some of the distinct features of the house.  Pauline has used a bit of artistic licence with the proportions but if you stand outside the door of 302 Glenmore you will spot the resemblance.

Recipe wise, the book contains many gems of mid-70s dinner party cuisine.  You'll need a pantry with quite a few tins and a decent booze cupboard to make any of the desserts.  They divide it into courses and meats etc but surprisingly even Aspics gets its own category!

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