Thursday, January 10, 2013

Charles Oertel

In the 1890s it was not uncommon to have an occupation listed after a residents name in the Sands Directory.  One such example is Charles Oertel, listed as an 'aerated water maker', who lived at 65 Cambridge street in the 1890s.

That occupation provides a little bit to go on, and searching the old SMH on trove does turn up quite a few references to the commercial enterprises that Oertel ran.  Initially, the firm was Dalm & Oertel, although during the 1890s it appears Oertel was running the whole show by himself.  And doing pretty well, winning medals at the Chicago Exhibition according to the following article ...

If you are a collector of old glass you may see an old Oertel, or Dalm & Oertel bottle turn up.  The photo above is from an auction earlier this year and this example was estimated at $150-$200. 

The favourtie advertisement that I came across is transcribed following.  If true I might just have to make a pitcher of lemonade this summer in honour the man who was quenching Cambridge Street's thirst 125 years ago ...

"18 November 1885
Reform in the Manufacture of LEMONADE
The LEMONADE, prepared by Australian grown lemons by Messrs Dalm and Oertel, Mineral Water and Cordial manufacturers, 403 Pitt-street Sydney, has proved a decided success. We are in receipt of letters from leading Sydney physicians, members of leading Clubs, families, etc, who admit in laudable terms the superiority of our LEMONADE, and pronounce it to excel by far every article of that kind they have hitherto tasted. It has an exquisite flavour. It is free from substances injurious to health. Every drop of water used is carefully filtered. It is well aerated with thoroughly cleaned carbonic acid gas.

REASONS why in Australia, where the finest lemons grow, one rarely tastes good Lemonade - "Oil of Lemon", commonly used by lemonade makers, is an imported article, extracted from lemon peel. Owing to its high price when pure, it is often adulterated. It is only a poor substitute for the geniune article. Messrs DALM and OERTEL have entirely discarded it.

Ask or send for DALM and OERTEL'S LEMONADE,
Delivered regularly in town and suburbs by our carts.
All orders punctually attended to."

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