Friday, November 9, 2012

More house names

As a follow-up to the house name post we have sleuthed a couple more to add to the list.  A birth announcement from the SMH on 13 July 1895 listed Peter Carter's wife giving birth to a son at "Arcadia", Cambridge Street Paddington. 

We checked the Sands Directory to see if we could see which house Peter Carter was living in and according to the 1896 edition he was at 81 Cambridge street.  Arcardia seems a pretty apt name for this house given that in the 1890s it would've commanded a vision of pastoralism in the form of the nearby dairy and the chinese market gardens!

The house was still referred to as "Arcadia" into the 1920s.  The funeral notice for August Danker from the 4 October 1922 SMH says that it "will leave his late residence, Arcadia, 81 Cambridge street, Paddington, this day (Wednesday) at 2.00pm for the Waverley Cemetary.  Masonic and other friends please accept this invitation."

The only trouble is that 81 Cambridge is now known as "Elgin".  Looks like the etched glass above the door isn't original (I never really trust a name that isn't set in the render, although "Langlo" shows that you can tamper with that as well). 

Another name to add to the list is for 48 Cambridge street, which was apparently known as "Perim" back in the day.  Given that 46 - 52 were all on the same title, and built by the same builder, it made sense that 48 would've had a name although I don't know why it wasn't listed with the others in the Sands Directory.  This name was sourced from the Paddington council rate books which also referenced the name occasionally.  For the record, the north west end of Cambridge street ran "Candelo" (46); "Perim" (48); "Golspie" (50) and "Kibworth" (52).  That is quite an international line up: Candelo is a municipality in Piedmont in Italy, 60 kms from Turin (okay, its also on the South Coast as we revealed earlier); Perim is an island at the entrance into the Red Sea; Golspie is a town in Scotland; and Kibworth is in Leicestershire, England.

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