Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More corner store ...

As a follow-up to the illustration of the corner store up the north-west corner of Cambridge and Gurner here is an archive picture from the City of Sydney.  This was taken in January 1971 and is tagged by the council as being a restaurant (it is also tagged as being 'currently Wagner Art Gallery', which is across the road but hey that is close enough).

I can't make out any name but I guess it was the Spanish place La Bodega that I had read about earlier.  Rob Hillier has a good black and white photo of it in his book "Let's Buy a Terrace House" (published in 1968).  In the 1969 book, 'Paddington: an area of special architectural interest', the authors provide some brief notes in the back for a walking tour.  Back then the shops at the corner of Cambridge, Gurner, Cascade and Hargrave were described as "along here you will find a print shop, a boutique, a Spanish-style restaurant and a Mexican art shop, newsagent, interior decorator, most of these are in charmingly restored old shops and houses".

Following is that vista taken in July 2012 ...

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