Friday, August 17, 2012

Rushcutters Bay c1900

Here is a great old photo of Rushcutters Bay with Cambridge street visible in the top right (if you click on it I think it takes you to the larger version).  This photo is from the City of Sydney archives (file 067\067290) via the Sydney Water Corporation (who as the Water Board resumed the Chinaman's gardens around the 1890's).  The estimated date, c1900s, is from the archives.  That said, you can clearly see 81 Cambridge Street which was one of the last houses built on the street around 1895, so it is after that.  The White City amusement park was not built until 1913 so it is not later than that.   Glenmore Road Public School is visible in the top corner and I think the height of that building is the original bell tower which was later demolished.  Later school buildings were added in 1902 and 1910, and I think that double story one is one of those.  So I would guess this was taken between 1902 - 1912.

This was sent to me by someone who thought I might be interested in it.  Thanks to Ruth for digging it up and Darren for sending it over!  This is tagged as "View looking south showing the stormwater channel that empties into Rushcutters Bay from Paddington area".  The key is knowing that Cambridge Street is visible from Rushcutters back in the day and so looking at old photos of Rushcutters can turn up sneaky views of Cambridge Street, as seen here previously.

Cambridge Street had a great view over Rushcutters Bay at this time and another thing you notice is the absence of trees.  Not just because it is a new suburb, this street would've been laid out for nearly 20 years by the time this photo was taken, but the Victorian style of the time was quite ordered so they didn't like street trees detracting from the ornamentation of the facades of the houses.

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