Friday, August 24, 2012

Nurse Bell-Boyd's testimonial ...

One of the sources of information for this blog is old newspapers which you can search via Trove.  It often throws up some random finds, like this testimonial given for Fisher's Phospherine by Cambridge Street's own Charlotte Bell-Boyd who is listed as living at 41 Cambridge Street in 1915 and gives her profession as Nurse.  It looks like Ms Bell-Boyd's testimonial was used for a number of years, at least 1911 through 1913. I have included her endorsement below and an extract of an advertisement. 

"The problem of Brain Fag, Nervous Prostration, and Backache. Fisher's Phospherine the true solution. Nurse Bell-Boyd's story: I was completely run down through overwork, and suffered severely from Brain Fag. I had to give up my occupation altogether. As a nurse of course I knew something of medicine, and I tried numerous powerful tonics, but gained no relief. A sister nurse said, "Never mind, you try, Fisher's Phospherine". I did. In one day I experienced a feeling of restful repose that I had not felt for months. In a week I felt as though I had been taking six weeks' rest cure at the Mountains or the seaside I was in perfect health. Fisher's Phospherine is far and away the most powerful nerve strengthener and rest giver that can be had, no matter what you pay I am convinced of that - Charlotte Bell Boyd."

Well I looked up Fisher's Phospherine, expecting it to be unavailable like many remedies of that age but it appears it was manufactured right up to this year, only recently being discontinued.

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