Saturday, July 7, 2012

Open house - 14 Cambridge street

I am sure a lot of neighbours use an open house to a look at other terrace layouts and we are no exception.  With Di Jones running the sales campaign for 14 Cambridge street at present it was a great opportunity to see what they had done with it, which was quite a lot.  Personally, I prefer a little more period detail in places but it is clean and shiny inside and I am sure someone will be very happy there.  It is up for auction on 17 July so you've got another week or so to see it for yourself.

Of more interest was the nice little feature article that the Di Jones folk were able to get the local rag to run, so hats off to them.  It was pretty flattering regarding Cambridge street but then again that is real estate copy for you .... "Devotees of terrace houses will think they've found heaven when they walk down Cambridge St, Paddington.  Like a scene straight from an early Dickens novel, this charming street is lined top to bottom and on both sides with terraces."

From a historical perspective I think the group of terraces that 14 belongs to was first owned by James Dillon, former Mayor of Paddington, when originally built.

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