Tuesday, October 9, 2012


This simple drawing appears in 'Paddington: An area of special architectural interest', published by the Paddington Society in 1969.  You can find it in the local history section at Paddo library if you are ever up there (the local history section is mostly available for reference not for loan unfortunately).  The accompanying text reads ...

"The later estates often had the terrace house dressed up into a most pretentious form. The example given here could, I suppose, be called Baronial, is dated 1889 and is called Framton [sic], it is 59 Cambridge Street.  Behind this extraordinary faceade lies the typical terrace house plan.  It is interesting to note the gothic pointed arch motif in the cast iron on the balustrade as this was contemporary with more completely gothic buildings.  In 1893 there were 3,774 dwelling houses in Paddington with an average of 4.8 persons per house"

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