Friday, April 25, 2014

Cambridge Street at Gallipoli.

25 April, aka Anzac Day, commemorating the landings at Gallipoli and now accepted as the day we recognise those who served.  An appropriate time to remember those who served from Cambridge Street.  Here is the embarkation roll for HMAT Themistocles which left Melbourne on 22 December 1914 and was taking the 1st Reinforcements for the 2nd Battalion.  On board were two residents of Cambridge Street: John Madden (of 57 Cambridge Street) and Francis O'Malley (of 14 Cambridge Street).

You can download the full service records of any veteran from the national archives (link here)  Both John and Francis survived WW1.  From the records it looks like Francis was in the first wave to Gallipoli on 25 April with John arriving on the 8th of May.  John (service # 1152) saw further action in Europe.  Francis (service # 1168) didn't see much more battle beyond Gallipoli although he obviously saw some action in Malta as he spent the rest of the war in and out of hospital for syphilis and other venereal diseases! His file has a letter from his mother worried about why he is in hospital and how he was injured ...