Friday, May 24, 2013

Sensational accident.

A sensational accident on Cambridge Street? Well maybe not if you asked the horses.  The above article is from the SMH of 24 January 1906.  A four wheeled waggon piled high with furniture and pulled by two horses got a little out of control coming down Cambridge lane.  Despite applying the breaks and trying to take the corner the horses and waggon took the 30ft shortcut over the retaining wall to Glenmore Road where I guess White's is today.  The horses "were not very seriously injured" but the furniture was smashed to bits.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Glenmore Road Public School turns 130.

1883 + 130 = 2013.  So the good folks at Glenmore Road Public School will be celebrating the 130th at the annual school fete - lock in the date of September 8th.  As part of those celebrations I hear they will be chasing up any old stories or photos of the school.  Send some through if you have them.  Contact details here.  We will also try and dig up some stories ...