Thursday, February 21, 2013

Toulouse-Lautrec and Cambridge Street?

The National Gallery of Australia has a Toulouse-Lautrec exhibition on until 2 April 2013.  If only Toulouse-Lautrec was so acceptable in the Australia of the 1950s then it might have just saved someone a fiver!  As the following articles from 1954 report - Harry Robinson, a resident of Cambridge Street Paddington was charged and fined 5 pounds for exhibiting a mural version of 'The Salon' (pictured above) at his Kings Cross cafe, 'The Moulin Rouge'!  

Friday, February 8, 2013

8 February 1941 ...

On this day in 1941 a Cambridge Street resident, Sapper J. W. G. Gleaves, was awarded the George Medal for courage at Tobruk. Sapper Gleaves lived at 8 Cambridge Street.

The George Medal (pictured above) is a civil decoration in the UK and Commonwealth, instituted by King George VI in September 1940 and awarded for "acts of great bravery".  Whilst primarily for civilians it is awarded to military personnel for gallant conduct not in the face of the enemy.  The following article from the SMH on 29 May 1942 sets out the circumstances of Gleaves' conduct becoming.  

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Who's been sleeping in ... Cambridge Street?

So Cambridge Street will be on the telly some time this year.  Some of you may have seen the TV cameras sniffing around the street back in May last year.  Well, the episodes have been edited and now the promo for season 2 of the ABC tele show "Who's been sleeping in my house" is up on youtube.  Here is a link.  No dates set yet for airing but likely whenever peak ratings season is!!